Last Sunday was the National Capital Race Weekend in Ottawa and they had so many people running many different distances from 2km all the way up to 42.2km. I had a good weekend leading up to Sunday, I had an early pasta lunch for the carbs and then an early meat and potato dinner for the protein. I went to bed early to be sure I got a good night's sleep and sleep I did, I don't think I've ever slept so well in a long time. I had all my gear ready to go so I wouldn't forget anything.
Sunday morning I got up early and made myself some oatmeal with egg whites for some extra protein, got dressed and headed out the door by 5:50am for a 7 o'clock race start. I met up with a lot of the people from my running group and got together in the coloured corral system. I was not feeling nervous at all before the race started which is so not like me as I usually get butterflies when I go out for our LSD. I was very calm and ready for the day to start. The gun went off and we all started it was already pretty warm when we took off which I didn't notice until later.
I felt so good during the first half, it was so nice to see so many other "crazy" people up at that time of day just to cheer us other "crazy" people on, it gave me a high and allowed me to keep going. The second half was more difficult for many reasons; 1 I was already tired from running half of it; 2 the sun was getting hotter and there was less shade to hide from it; 3 the wind was always coming at me. It seemed there were more hills in the second half or it could have just been my brain going a little coo-coo. I didn't notice any discomfort until around the 25km mark, which is pretty good for me and I will have to thank it on all the ART I had done leading up to the race. After the last water station was where I was having a lot of trouble keeping focused and keeping on my pace. The crowds nearing the finish line were tremendous and I tried to feed off of them, at about 700m left to go was where I started feeling a little faint so I took some more water and pushed it right to the end knowing that at that point I had about 4 minutes to get to the finish line to qualify. Passing that finish line was overwhelming and I literally had nothing left in me, I had to waddle over to get some water, a foil blanket and of course.....my medal! Which will be engraved soon.
I waited for some of my friends to come through the finishing chute to see how they did and felt, after I found a few of them we went through for some post race food (not a good idea for me) and then we were off to find our families.

Here are my stats and split times:
Placed 770/3577 overall; 113/1343 females; placed 30/224 females 30-34 years
10k split 51:19; 21.1k split 1:47:31; 30k split 2:33:57
Chip time 3:39:44; Gun time 3:40:46
By the way did I tell you I qualified for Boston?