Monday, December 7, 2009

Today I had an appointment with an Athletic Therapist to discuss my hips and knees and to give me some options on how to correct them.

Well it turned out that one of my legs is shorter than the other so he fixed that somehow, it seemed like he stretched it back to normal but I am sure there was more to it than just that. My hips can get better and stronger with more stretching (I am so bad for it)plus some core training, but my knees are in a world of their own, apparently there isn't much I can do about it. My problem is that my knees pronate and it is just how my body is, there is nothing I can do or change to make them straight. I am ok with that though since with my "deformed" body, I was still able to make it to Boston.

So now this guy will pass on the info to another guy who will make up a care training schedule that will work with my running training schedule and then hopefully by April I will be in more shape and be able to run a better marathon.....pain free.

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