Sunday, January 24, 2010

Jan 24

Today was a long run day, usually I meet up with my RR companions but this time they were all in the Ottawa Hypothermic Half. I considered running it too as a bandit but I needed to get 27km in and after running the race I don't know how willing I would be to do the extra distance. So instead I decided to run here in Richmond, the night before I found a route via Google maps and thought I would try it out. The route consisted of a lot of farmlands around me so there wasn't a whole lot to see but it helped because there wasn't a whole lot of traffic either. I saw some horses, cows and heard a rooster crowing at one point too. My main fear was if there were any coyotes out in the bushes. I was thinking about what I would do if I did run into one, I'm not sure if I could out run one, luckily I didn't have to deal with it.....this time.

I at least remembered to bring my Ipod with me (something I forgot when doing my hills yesterday), so Stuart McLean kept me company for my over 2 1/2 hour trek. He is a Canadian writer and usually broadcasts his stories on the local CBC radio station, he also has them available as podcasts and so I download them weekly. He is quite funny with his Dave and Morley stories and I actually laughed out loud a couple of times, it was nice to be distracted from my run and taken to another place. Next week hopefully I will be back with my running guys because even though it is nice to run on my own (and powerful too knowing I can do it), it is always nicer to have some company.

My total for today was 27.05km at a 5:44 pace.

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