Saturday, February 13, 2010

Week of Feb 9-13

Here is another weekly blog of my training this past week.

Tuesday, another dome night, I started with a 2k warm up then on to the fun stuff. I did 3x 2k tempo repeats at a 4:30 pace with about 1 minute rest in between each one, then I did a nice 2k cool down.

Wednesday I had 18k on my schedule so I tried to run 4k before run club with the kids in the stroller, not an easy thing to do especially when they have their snowsuits on, so I ended up doing 3.5k, followed by a 14k hilly route with the guys from the RR. It was a nice night for the run but a lot of ice on the paths plus not much lighting made it a little more of a cautious run at times. It felt awesome running up the hills and then down right away. I finished the night with 18.1k at a 5:10 pace.

Thursday was another speed night, the hardest one yet and I don't think they'll get much easier as we keep going. I did my 2.8k warm up then 5x 1600m speed at 4:10 pace and 4x 400m speed at 3:55 pace, then 1.8k cool down for a total of 14.3k. Some how the 400m speeds seem much harder to do then the 1600m ones.

Friday I watched the Olympic Opening Ceremonies.

Saturday I did a 2.3k warm up then 5x hill repeats at a 5:00 pace and a 2.5k cool down for a total of 10k.

My total for this week is 80.7k

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